Author Archives: admin

Boeing implementing 222nm UV light technology

Boeing Set To Start Manufacturing UV Sanitization Wand  

Japan Scientists Confirm 222nm Uv light is secure for humans

Far-UV light and the next epidemic.

David Brenner, COVID-19 Virtual Symposium: April 8, 2020 Columbia University’s Zuckerman Institute

Tests show UVC lamps could light the way in virus fight  

Corona Virus and Ambulances

Using ultraviolet light to decontaminate ambulances

COVID 19: Can Far UVC Light Help Open Up Large Spaces?

Christy Risinger, MD

How Ultraviolet Light Could Help Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus

A new weapon in the fight against superbugs | David Brenner

A new weapon in the fight against superbugs | David Brenner

Narrow Range of UV Safely Kills Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Narrow Range of UV Safely Kills Drug-Resistant Bacteria