Food Disinfection

FUV 222nm wavelength disinfection lamps

These lamps are safe for humans and can be used indoors. Recommendation: Cold Chain Disinfection, Food Processing Plants, Greenhouses, Warehouses, and Data Centres


A storm  of bacteria transmission via the cold chain has been identified. Research suggests that cold-chain food contamination was the likely source of the COVID-19 resurgence at Beijing’s Xinfadi Market in June 2020.

Several cases have also detected the coronavirus on cold-chain food packaging imported from abroad. For instance, at Qingdao Harbor, two stevedores—living in separate locations—were simultaneously infected. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was later found on a package of imported seafood.

These incidents highlight that cold-chain storage and transport could become hotspots for the coronavirus or other pathogens. This underscores the urgent need for enhanced disinfection measures in the cold chain to ensure food safety during the current pandemic and beyond.

In the food industry, the cold chain ensures product delivery and quality from harvest/production to consumption. However, its focus has traditionally been on transportation, with limited emphasis on food quality and basic safety measures like preventing chemical contamination and bacterial food poisoning—concepts established over a century ago. The emergence of coronavirus transmission through the cold chain calls for a critical update to its safety standards.

What are Vendi222- FUV 222nm excimer light tubes used for cold-chain disinfection?

  • Vendi222 Excimer Far UVC light is the very high-energy light generated by lamps containing noble gases or noble-gas hydride compounds.
  • Externally applying high-energy electrons to a sealed lamp containing a noble gas or noble gas hydride compound generates intense plasma discharge (dielectric barrier discharge).
  • This plasma features high-energy electron content and can be extinguished instantly.
  • The plasma discharge instantly excites the atoms of the discharge gas (noble gas) to their excimer (KrCl) state (high-energy orbital atoms form excimer excited molecules).
  • The excimer-specific spectrum is emitted when atoms return from this excimer state to their original condition (ground state).
  • This emission is called VUV light. Low-pressure mercury-free excimer Vendi222 tubes have a spectral peak at UVC 222 nm wavelength and emit more than 99% of their ultraviolet radiation at this peak in less than 3s.
  • These tubes are strong enough to the peak absorbance of DNA that they have high efficiency at damaging microbial DNA.
Far UV 222nm Excimer Lamp Developed for World Space Agencies
World Space Agencies

Did you know?

Astronauts from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) eat meat sterilized by irradiation to avoid getting foodborne illnesses when they fly in space. 


Is Cold Chain Far UV 222nm Light Disinfection  Safe for Food?

… Recently, the food industry has shown increasing interest in the use of UV radiation for the decontamination of liquids and solid surfaces. It is considered one of the non-thermal inactivation interventions and is a physical method recognized for its germicidal efficacy with the potential to control foodborne pathogens, spoilage microorganisms and, viruses and bacteria. In addition, Far UV 222nm radiation is an intervention technology known as non-ionizing radiation as it provides no radioactivity to the product when compared to ionizing radiation (gamma radiation) that provides residual radioactivity (Datta & Tomasula, 2015; Park, Kang, & Kang, 2018). …

Why Sterilize Food by Use of UVC 222nm excimer light?

Sterilization can serve many purposes.

  • Prevention of Foodborne Illness – to effectively eliminate organisms that cause foodborne illness, such as Vovid-19, Salmonella, and Escherichia coli (E. coli).
  • Preservation – to destroy or inactivate organisms that cause spoilage and decomposition and extend the shelf life of foods.
  • Control of Insects – to destroy insects in or on tropical fruits imported into the United States. 
  • Sterilization also decreases the need for other pest-control practices that may harm the fruit ( chemical).
  • Sterilization – irradiation can be used to sterilize foods, which can then be stored for years without refrigeration. Sterilized foods are useful in hospitals for patients with severely impaired immune systems, such as patients with AIDS or undergoing chemotherapy. 

Far UV Light Aids Food Sterilization Applications

The FDA approved the use of food irradiation beginning in 1963 to treat yeast and flours to prevent insect contamination. Today, the USDA and FDA regulate food sterilization with UVC light on many products including raw poultry, red meats, fruits and vegetables, yeasts and flours and many beverage processing plants for juices and bottled water.

Far UVC 222nm excimer light food sterilization improves food safety, prolongs shelf life, prevents foodborne illnesses, controls insects, and even delays the early sprouting of potatoes and onions. You can find UVC germicidal lamps used for food safety in applications with many types of foods and beverages, including:

  • Meat, fish, and poultry – meat processing plants must adhere to strict regulations for cleanliness to deliver meat products that are healthy and free from contamination. Meat processing and packing facilities utilize Far UV 222nm Excimer lamps in food sterilization processes, such as on conveyor belts that meat passes under. UV light is also used to sterilize surfaces in meat packaging areas as well as on containers.
  • Dairy – Far UVC 222nm excimer light disinfection is popular in the dairy industry, especially when packaging fresh products such as milk, cheeses, and yogurts. Just like pasteurization improves the health and safety of milk, UVC light improves the safety of many food processes with UV wavelengths. Far UVC 222nm excimer light does not replace pasteurization which uses heat, although is highly effective at preserving dairy products and ensuring they are free from harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • Beverages – UVC germicidal lamps are used in the beverage industry, such as to improve the quality of bottled water and juices. UVC treatment of packing containers and lids further ensures a sterilized product and packaging.
  • Liquid sugar tanks – tanks which store liquid sugar and sweeteners such as high fructose corn syrup and even water require a sterilization technique to maintain the quality of stored products. UV light is commonly used to preserve the quality of these ingredients, often stored in tanks.
  • Frozen foods – UVC food sterilization systems help to eliminate the potential of harmful microorganisms for better food quality and safety for the frozen food industry. By treating food immediately prior to packaging and treating packaging containers, UV light improves the quality and shelf life of many frozen food items.
  • Baking – treating foods with Far UVC 222nm excimer light began with treating flours and yeasts to prevent insects and is still widely used in the baking industry. UV light can prevent the development of mold spores, a big contributor to waste in the baking industry, which reduces shelf life and profits.
  • Fruits and vegetables – treating pre-packaged fruits and vegetables prolongs the shelf life of fruits and vegetables, reduces spoilage, and eliminates insects.